Winter is fast approaching now, which is one of the best times to visit Canada if you want to experience a true winter wonderland.
As a Canadian myself, let me tell you some of the best way you can enjoy winter here!

It is no secret that Canada is well known for maple syrup. There are a few maple syrup related desserts we have specifically enjoy in the winter time.
Maple Syrup Taffy Sticks
One of these most well know Canadian sweet treats is maple syrup taffy sticks. For this dessert, you first need to boil maple syrup to 240f before pouring it over crushed iced or snow so that it can harden and be rolled onto a popsicle stick. From there, you enjoy your sweet maple-y treat.
While you attempt this at home, you can also find booths where you can make your own sweet maple treat at a variety of winter markets throughout Canada during the chilly season.
Snow Cones
Oftentimes, you can enjoy snow cones as a way to cool off from the summer sun. In Canada however, you can also enjoy them in the winter too!
When I was a kid, my grandmother used to gather some snow from outside, put it in a bowl and drizzle maple syrup over it like a snow cone. Maple syrup is the traditional, and my personal favourite, topping choice; but you can use other syrups and topping, such are caramel or chocolate, if you choose.
Making snow cones in the winter is definitely one of the best ways to enjoy nature's shaved ice. If you make this sweet treat, let me know how you like it!
Sn"ice" Cream

Did you know you can make ice cream from snow? With a mixture of clean snow, vanilla extract, and sweetened condensed milk, you can create your own ice cream!
You simply gather some snow, mix it with some sweetened condensed milk and vanilla, and viola! You have snow ice cream! You can change up the flavours by adding different extracts or sweeteners such as maple syrup or chocolate syrup.
Snow Activities

While it can be nice to stay indoors, drinking hot chocolate by a warm fire, enjoying the snow is an absolutely must-do while in Canada for the winter.
Skiing and snowboard during the winter is definitely an activity you cannot miss out on. when in Canada for the winter!
I still remember the first time I went skiing. It was in grade 6 when we all went on a field trip. The instructors taught us how to walking in our skis, how to stop, and how to go down the hills without poles. If you've never gone skiing before, it's not as hard as it may seem. It's really just like wearing big shoes. You kind of feel like a duck waddling around in them.

You can just throw a pair of skis on and give it a go, but most ski resorts also have instructors who can teach you the basic of how to ski or snowboard before letting you loose on the hills. Most places have their hills marked with different levels depending on your skiing ability as well, with the really advanced hills including ramps and steep hills.
I've gone skiing at Boler Mountain in London, Ontario before. It's quite a nice ski resort and the beginner hills are quite fun. A really popular skiing and snowboarding destination in Canada is Blue Mountain Ski Resort. I've been there before, but I went for a spa trip getaway while my friend Michelle went skiing for the day. She loved skiing there and I would absolutely recommend the spas too.
At both of these places, and I believe most ski resorts, you can either bring your own equipment or rent their equipment. I've done both and both have worked out quite well.
Sledding is something all Canadian children do during the winter as an outdoor activity. You can very easily get a sled at any dollar or hardware store and find a snowy hill almost anyway.

They do have a more professional version of this called tubing; most ski resorts also have a tubing area. When you go tubing, you pay an admission fee, grab a tube, then head up the hill. There are some places that have conveyor belts you can stand on to bring you up the hill, and there are others where you just walk up on your own.
Both versions are very fun, but if I had to give one piece of advice, it would be to wear goggles, as the faster you go down the hill, the more snow you'll get in your eyes. Goggles help you enjoy the full experience without needing to squint the whole time.
Skating is also such a fun winter time activity!

There are tons of ice rinks set up throughout many Canadian cities. These rinks can be made of natural ice, man-made ice, or plastic, and can be indoors or outdoors.
Some rinks have skate rentals, and even skating supports, if you don't already have your own equipment. Some are free admission, and some have an admission cost.
Regardless of the rink you visit though, it is always fun creating memories skating with friends or on your own, even if/when you fall.
What are some of the ways you like to enjoy the winter?